Community & Missions
Starting in our own backyard and extending to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8), Bethel continues on mission to reach our community and world with the life-transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ. Partnering together with other Southern Baptist churches at the local, state, and national levels, we are able to penetrate darkness and see men and women, boys and girls come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ.
By giving through the SBC’s Cooperative Program, we are able to do far more together with other churches than we could ever do on our own. Bethel currently gives 10.25% of its undesignated receipts to support missions and ministry at the state, national, and international level through CP and special missions’ offerings, including the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions. Through partnering together with 40,000+ other Southern Baptist churches, we are able to full fund 5,000 missionaries and their families serving in North America and around the globe, sharing the life-transforming message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Locally, Bethel contributes 3% of its undesignated receipts to a group of Southern Baptist churches in Lincoln and Otero County through the Mountain Valley Baptist Association and 1% of undesignated receipts to the two New Mexico Baptist Camps – Inlow and Sivells.
In addition to supporting missions through the Cooperative Program, Bethel also directly funds missions and missionaries serving in the in the United States and in several countries throughout the world. From Mescalero Baptist Mission on the Mescalero (Apache) Indian Reservation to the Cross family in Santiago, Chile and the Kendall family in Togo, West Africa, Bethel generously gives to support the advancement of God’s Kingdom and the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.
However, missions is not just about giving. It is about going as well. For the past several years, students and adults have participated in World Changers’ Mission trips to Gallop, NM and Ft. Smith, AR. A mission team from Bethel traveled to Belize in the summer of 2014 and previous teams have traveled to Cambodia.
If we are to faithfully reach the ends of the earth with the Gospel, we must have a love for the lost who live in our own community. The Great Commission begins in our Jerusalem (Acts 1:8). That’s why we have been intentional to minister to our friends and neighbors in Alamogordo and Otero County. We want to be salt and light to those around us and impact our community and world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.